Sunday, June 24, 2007

Rains - June 24, 2007

The worry furrows on many a brow are going to deepen. Cyclone Gonu is still vivid in everyone’s memory and the people in Oman are not ready or prepared for further storm-related trouble.
They have had enough to contend with early this month, following Gonu, so any reports of an impending storm is sure to send a shiver down many a spine, especially those who have been at Gonu's receiving end.
While it is clear that there is no storm approaching, the Met office, in their latest report said that there would be heavy rains in 48 hours.
Officials of the Met office told Radio Sultanate of Oman FM that there would be heavy rains within the next 48 hours.
The officials warned that there would be heavy rains, which would, naturally, bring in wadi overflows.
The seas would also be rough with high waves, they added.
But, once again, the officials made it clear that it was not another cyclone, as has been rumoured since some days now.


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